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Solstice Envisioning Circle

  • Harmony and Balance Life Coaching 2211 Post Street, #300 San Francisco, CA 94115 United States (map)

Joaquin Miller Park

3300 Joaquin Miller Rd Oakland, CA 94602

For all you brave humans out there, who live in alignment to who you truly are in the depths of your being. Come realign yourself to your unique life callings three days before the sun (and your soul) passes its highest energy point.

The sun at its highest point represents our peak in vitality and life energy. It’s an essential time to be in alignment to what matters most to us. A life of meaning demands staying true to our deepest callings. When it’s easy, but especially when it’s hard. What matters so much to you that you’re willing to stand for it with everything you got?

The root word of “passion” is “passio,” which is the Latin word for suffering. Author James Hollis says that a passion is something we feel so deeply, so intensely, that it hurts. All of us have passions, but because they, too, ask much of us, we often dissemble, slip-slide away, and leave them along the road behind us.

Hollis says healing, satisfaction, and meaning only come when we identify what feeds our soul, and find also the courage and the where-withal to make it happen. The heroic task is found wherever we overcome fear and lethargy, wherever we embrace the larger, wherever our agenda is defeated by ever larger things.

For some, it’s a deep commitment to stand up for social justice in their personal and professional lives. For others, it’s the daily sacrifice of a vegetarian diet to reduce the suffering of animals. For those with children, maybe your calling is to be the best possible parent regardless of the immense sacrifices it requires. There are infinite other examples that apply here.

What will this event be like? We’ll start the circle with a short envisioning meditation, where each attendee will invite forth their unique life callings. We’ll then invite each attendee to speak to a specific calling, and the struggles that come up in its pursuit. The circle will serve as a source of encouragement and support as each attendee realigns their focus.

The circle will be held near Oakland’s Woodminister Theater at Joaquin Miller Park on 6/18/23, from 2pm to 4pm. Bring the kiddos along (there is a playground close by), and feel free to forward this invite to friends and family who would enjoy such an event. Especially see if dad wants to join, what better way to celebrate Father’s Day.

No cost. RSVP’s on Facebook are appreciated. If we get a large turnout, we’ll create two parallel circles.

Directions: Place this code into Google Maps: 37.8097593, -122.1903796. There is free parking on the street. Once you enter the park at the map point, look for paper signs directing you to the circle.

Tim Holtzman, M.S., LPCC , is a mindfulness and somatic psychotherapist for individual adults and couples, based in Berkeley, CA. Tim has worked as a therapist in the bay area since 2011, and has trained and practiced with a variety of meditation and therapy modalities since 2004. Tim has led groups for several bay area organizations over the last fifteen years, including a Berkeley-based meditation group (Saturday Night Sangha) that he co-facilitated from 2011 – 2016.

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